AMC 2800

Models: Smart RO, Camry, Swift, Grand, Supreme, Jio, Copper glad, Smart berg, Nova, Shine.
(Valid for Domestic Maxx Aquafresh RO models used for Domestic purpose only)


  1. Free repairing of All In-line Filter(Without Membrane) Parts etc.
  2. 3 Free services in an year.
  3. Any number of complaints will be attended within 48 Hours, Free of Cost.
  4. All Filters & consumables are excluded.

Charges: Our Charges for annual maintenance contract for one machine is ₹ 2800/-
Warranty: The warranty cover one year from the date of 1st Service.
Free Service: 3 free services in an year.
Complaints: Any number of complaints will be attended within 48 hours, free of cost.


  1. The product should be located within the specified area within 20 KM Range.
  2. The product should be electrically/ electronically in perfect condition.

Otherwise the customer has to bear the cost of defective spares at the time of 1st Service.
If any non – Maxx Aquafresh Ro parts are found in the product, the same will be changed with original Maxx Aquafresh Ro parts at Customers cost.